Inspiration & Collaboration



Registration Opens Fall 2022

June 16 - 22, 2025

Teachable moments happen all of the time, yet typically the opportunity that lies within to teach leadership, is passed over. At the gcLi Leadership Lab, by presenting a foundation in developmental psychology and brain science, we help educators develop the ability to identify, utilize, and create teachable moments to transform individuals, classrooms, sports teams and whole schools.

Teachers who effectively develop leadership capacities of young people have four essential skills:

  1. Understanding where students are coming from based on developmental psychology and brain science
  2. Understanding how groups function
  3. Are skilled in giving motivating feedback
  4. Understanding themselves

The Leadership Lab:

The Gardner Carney Leadership Institute has created a six-day intensive workshop that takes place every June on the campus of the Fountain Valley School of Colorado. K-12 teachers and administrators from across North America learn how to develop the leadership competencies of their students. They are exposed to the latest research about brain science, social and emotional intelligence, and group dynamics; and they participate in extensive exercises designed to develop their awareness, personal reflection, and effective action in order to learn the Pedagogy of Leadership®.

You’ll Learn:

Attendees of the Leadership Lab are exposed to the latest research about brain science, social and emotional intelligence, and group dynamics; and they participate in extensive exercises designed to develop their awareness, personal reflection, and effective action in order to learn the Pedagogy of Leadership®. The Leadership Lab provides the opportunity to practice, to develop self awareness, personal reflection and effective action.

This will be the 21st year of the Lab. The gcLi community is comprised of over 800 educators from more than 200 schools and five countries.


Since 2010 the gcLi has been collaborating with PennGSE. Graduates are awarded a Certificate of Completion of the Leadership Lab in conjunction with the GSE. We also offer a competitive $10,000 scholarship to a Leadership Lab graduate who attends the Masters in School Leadership Program at PennGSE. Please see the Leadership Grant page for details.

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